Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Special Blog for a Special Moment

I don't usually blog about things other than training but something happened today and I just have to share it.

Today is my birthday and as luck would have it, I am spending it alone in London. I am one of those people that LOVES holidays that involve presents, especially when all of the presents are for me. A part of the kid in me that will always be the kid in me.

I woke up this morning feeling a little bit bummed that I would not have anyone to spend my birthday with, I guess I was feeling a bit alone, and then something happened.....

While in a meeting this morning, my coworker from the UK was talking to someone else and commented twice that we would be taking the train to "Paddington" station, while he meant to say something else. When he said it the second time, he said, "I don't know why I keep saying Paddington", I just looked at him and smiled.

When I was 7 years old, just 4 days before my 8th birthday, my mother died after a long battle with cancer. During her last days in the hospital, she made me a Paddington Bear which she was going to give me for my birthday. Her good friend gave it to me the night she died.

Martin said Paddington 3 times today, on my birthday! Some may say, "coincidence", but I know better.

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